Sunday, November 21, 2010

Harry Potter 7, Part 1

So, Friday was the day that HarryPotter and theDeathly Hallows (#7)Part 1 came out...i cannot decide if i was impressed or pleased with it. It was good, but after getting so excited about it it wasn't as great as to be expected.
that  being said, i still did really like it! Especially Ron (not rupert grint the actor, the actual character of Ron Weasley) is just tooooooo great to handle. His lines are best; so great that Rachel and i made Ron shirts to wear to go see the movie. They were covered in Ron quotes. I think, perhaps, that my next post will be dedicated to great quotes of Ronald Billius Weasley! :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Last Monday night i went to my aunt and uncle's house for dinner to celebrate my cousin's birthday. It was a large-ish family in my family, my aunt, uncle, 2 cousins, my grandparetns and my cousins g-parents on the other side. My grandparents weren't there yet but were expected to arrive anytime.
Once they got there, i greeted them and started talking to my grandma! She and i are pretty close, so she confessed that she had left in a big rush and asked me if she looked okay... naturally i said that she looked great, as always, and not to worry about how she looked!

she replied, "You would!"


Monday, November 8, 2010

Ooh, look! A Blog!

After days and days of deliberation and consultation, i have finally decided on a name for this blog! Sad how long it's taken me, i know, but i tend to be ridiculously indecisive!! As the title may suggest, j'adore life and all it brings, and this blog will be mostly devoted to great (and sometimes reaaallly random) things in life...or maybe not-so-great! Who knows what the next topic will be? As i am often told, i am quite random and whatever is on my mind is whatever i will "blog" about (speaking of which, does anyone else find the word "blog" rather strange?).

anyways, this blog is mostly intended for myself so i can look back and remind myself of what i was like way back when... but whoever ends up reading it, enjoy! :)